September 11, 2020
Shelby and Mike are my favorite The Office loving, Puppy having, newly married couple. Their plans for a big shabang at the Preston Barn were shifted around. However, their plan b of hosting their Westchester, NY wedding at her fathers horse farm was an absolute dream. The house looks like a painting, with meticulously kept gardens, light wrapping itself around cozy white sheds, and horses popping their heads out of their stalls…its a horse lovers dream.
Sweet Shelby was cool as a cucumber when we she called me a few months back. I have had the honor of talking so many brides through these difficult times, Shelby didnt need any talking down. She just wanted to get married, her voice said it all her priority was taking the big forever step with her guy. And so, on a perfect September day Shelby and Michael exchanged I do’s and pledged forevers.
I could write a novel filled with highlights from this wedding. Bridesmaids shed tears seeing their friend in her gown, daddy shed tears seeing his little girl in her gown, and Mike shed tears of pure joy. These 2 are surrounded by the most supportive group of family and friends. Toasts revealed how genuine, loving, caring, and hilarious Michael and Shelby are. I can now attest to that. I can assure you that they will grow old together, surrounded by puppies and all of the happiness in the world.
COVID has not been kind to the wedding industry, or the couples who just want to get married. It felt so good to be around happiness and to see a bride slip into her wedding gown, big smile topping the outfit off. As a wedding photographer I have been a shoulder to cry on and this last paragraph serves as an encouragement to all of you “corona brides”. Look at this blog, look at the love, look at the aspects that Shelby and Mike did not have to compromise on and let that encourage you. At the end of the day THIS is what matters, the marriage is the real prize guys, its the real prize.
Momma gave her her grandmothers ring, it graced Shelbys bouqette.
Cue blue steel.
Daddy daughter first look. Get out the tissues.
Now for the BIG first look, REALLY get out your tissues now.
And they lived…well you know. Thank you both for letting me be there to celebrate your wedding! It was good for my soul to support you two.
© 2025 Photos by Nidya lloyd photography
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